Grape Expectations for Kids Dinner

Thursday, September 18, 2025

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The War Memorial Ballroom, Fred M. Alger Center
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan

Please join The Guidance Center for its annual dinner and silent auction at the spectacular Grosse Pointe War Memorial’s new ballroom with breathtaking views of Lake St. Clair.
The Guidance Center hosts the annual Grape Expectations for Kids Dinner to benefit the Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC). As the only CAC serving Wayne County, Michigan, the Kids-TALK CAC focuses on the safety, social and emotional health, and stability of children and families. The CAC, with locations in Midtown Detroit and Southgate, helps thousands of children in Wayne County who are victims of sexual or physical abuse, neglect or trauma.

Our Sponsors

Cocktail Reception Sponsors

Bruce & Tammy Ranck

Kids-TALK CAC Patrons

Southgate Heroes

Tickets and Sponsorships

  • Price: $250.00
  • Price: $2,500.00
  • We will be using a mobile bidding site, Clickbid, for the silent auction. To register guests as a bidder, an email address and/or mobile number must be provided. This will allow you to receive instructions along with your bidder number and to receive notifications of the items you bid on. For couples who will be sharing a bidder number, the same or separate email addresses and/or mobile numbers may be submitted. Your information will not be sold or shared. You may add up to 9 guests (use the plus sign at the end of each line).
    Guest NameGuest PhoneGuest EmailDietary Restrictions (vegetarian, dairy free, gluten free) 
  • $0.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, MasterCard, Visa

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