The Guidance Center's Center for Excellence (Building 2)
13111 Allen Road, Southgate, MI, United States
National Kidney Foundation of Michigan is partnering with The Guidance Center to provide a Cooking Matters at the Store workshop, where we discuss money saving grocery shopping and nutrition tips. Participants will receive a $10 e-gift card after attending. Topics include: • Money-saving tips on purchasing produce • MyPlate food groups • Reading nutrition facts […]
The Guidance Center Romulus
35200 Smith Road, Romulus, MI, United States
The Guidance Center's Parenting from the Heart - Caregiver Café presents Speak for Yourself: How Estate Planning Documents Can Protect You and Your Loved Ones presented by Erin Peets, Staff Attorney for Elder Law & Advocacy Center Have you ever asked yourself, who will care for my children if and when something happens to […]
Taylor Community Library
12303 Pardee Road, Taylor, MI, United States
The Guidance Center’s Nurture the Future program is hosting an in-person self-care workshop for Mental Health Awareness Month with Caitlin Brown, yoga instructor and founder of Mindful Detroit. All parents and teens 11 years and older are welcome to come experience and learn stress relief tips and explore improved self-compassion and confidence. No experience […]
Brownstown Event Center
23345 King Road, Brownstown, MI, United States
Adolescence is a time when the first signs of mental illness often appear and also the time when drug use typically starts. As concerns about youth mental health continue to grow and youth overdose rates are rising, it's time to come together to show them we care. Raffles & light refreshments provided. More info […]
Heritage Park Sheridan Pavilion, 12111 Pardee, Taylor
12303 Pardee Road, Taylor, MI, United States
Please join us for Kids' Art in the Park. Creative art is so important for the growth and development of children. Children learn skills that help them through adulthood. The arts establish critical thinking, math skills, motor skills, language skills, and the ability to connect with others. Let's get messy and explore! Music & movement […]
United Front: Working Together as a Blended Family A blended family concept leaves room for countless benefits because it provides opportunities for children and parents to develop positive family relationships, open communication and problem-solving skills. Children from mixed families may also be more open to understanding different cultures, values and beliefs. Workshop Sessions […]
Taylor Community Library
12303 Pardee Road, Taylor, MI, United States
Join The Guidance Center's Nurture the Future program and Detroit CHEMpreneurIST for an exciting afternoon learning about crafting beauty products and the ins and outs of launching your own brand. Kids will learn: About Chemistry: Explore the various types of mixtures in everyday life, with a special focus on how these concepts apply to creating […]
United Front: Working Together as a Blended Family A blended family concept leaves room for countless benefits because it provides opportunities for children and parents to develop positive family relationships, open communication and problem-solving skills. Children from mixed families may also be more open to understanding different cultures, values and beliefs. Workshop Sessions […]
United Front: Working Together as a Blended Family A blended family concept leaves room for countless benefits because it provides opportunities for children and parents to develop positive family relationships, open communication and problem-solving skills. Children from mixed families may also be more open to understanding different cultures, values and beliefs. Workshop Sessions […]
Taylor Community Library
12303 Pardee Road, Taylor, MI, United States
Join us for outside yoga at Heritage Park with Caitlin Brown from Mindful Detroit for this free parent/child activity. Yoga techniques and poses will be beginner-friendly, including fun poses kids will enjoy. This event is geared toward children age 6 and up, but younger ages are welcome to attend. No childcare provided. Yoga mats will […]
United Front: Working Together as a Blended Family A blended family concept leaves room for countless benefits because it provides opportunities for children and parents to develop positive family relationships, open communication and problem-solving skills. Children from mixed families may also be more open to understanding different cultures, values and beliefs. Workshop Sessions […]
The Guidance Center's Center for Excellence (Building 2)
13111 Allen Road, Southgate, MI, United States
Are you... • a parent with child(ren) age 3 or older? • struggling with getting your child to follow directions? • looking to learn effective discipline with your child? • looking for support from other parents just like you? • just looking to have a better relationship with your child? Parenting Through Change (PTC) is […]